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Betongopplæringsrådet - Betongproduksjon og -transport

Plant production and transport of ready mix concrete

The national annex to NS-EN 206:2013+NA:2017 “Concrete. Specification, performance, production and conformity.” sets out requirements for key personnel involved in the plant production and transport of concrete covered by the standard. There are requirements relating to the qualifications of production managers, quality control managers, mixing plant operators, laboratory technicians and concrete mixer drivers, including drivers of trucks with conveyors and concrete pump operators. For each function there is a requirement to document prior knowledge, supplementary courses that have been completed and passed, and minimum practical experience. The Norwegian Council of Concrete Competence issues certificates to confirm that the standard’s qualification requirements have been met based on the documentation presented.

The qualification requirements apply to all work covered by this standard. This includes the production of all concrete for load-bearing structures, including ready-mix concrete, precast concrete elements and blockwork. The production of e.g. concrete roof tiles and concrete paving stones is not covered by this standard.

The Norwegian Council of Concrete Competence issues certificates within the following competence classes:

BTDriver of concrete mixer in all execution classes
BTSDriver of concrete mixer with conveyor belt in all execution classes
POConcrete pump operator in all execution classes
BOMixing plant operator in all execution classes
LBLaboratory technician in all execution classes
PPKProduction and quality control manager in all execution classes

The following courses are approved for obtaining competence certificates:

A0Foundation course for drivers of concrete mixers and concrete mixers with conveyor belts, and for concrete pump operators
A0SSafety course of drivers of concrete mixers with conveyor belts and concrete pump operators
A1Foundation course in concrete technology for laboratory technicians, mixing plant operators, and production and quality control managers
A2Advanced course in concrete technology for laboratory technicians, mixing plant operators, and production and quality control managers.
A3Production and conformity inspections for production and quality control managers
A4Concrete production – supplementary course for production and quality control managers