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Betongopplæringsrådet - Betongrehabilitering

Concrete repair

The national annex to NS-EN 1504-9+NA:2013 sets out qualification requirements for key personnel at contractors when executing concrete repairs covered by the standard. The standard specifies requirements for the production and quality control manager and foreman/tradesman (“bas”). It also requires documentation of prior knowledge, supplementary courses that have been completed and passed and minimum practical experience within the relevant execution class.The Norwegian Council of Concrete Competence issues certificates to confirm that the standard’s qualification requirements have been met based on the documentation presented.

The Norwegian Council of Concrete Competence issues certificates within the following competence classes:

RFBForeman/tradesman (“bas”), concrete repair, all execution classes
RPK2Production manager, concrete repair, execution classes 1 and 2
RPK3Production/quality control manager, concrete repair, execution class 3
RPK3+ELProduction and quality control manager, electro-chemical re-alkalization and chloride extraction, execution class 3 (Not valid before 2025)
RPK2+ELProduction and quality control manager, electro-chemical re-alkalization and chloride extraction, execution class 2 (Not valid before 2025)
RFB+ELForeman/tradesman (“bas”), electro-chemical re-alkalization and chloride extraction, all execution classes (Not valid before 2025)

The following courses are approved and must be completed and passed in order to obtain a certificate:

U1Practical concrete technology for production and quality control managers, and foremen/tradesmen (“bas”)
RConcrete repair – for foremen/tradesmen (“bas”), production and quality control managers
REElectro-chemical re-alkalization and chloride extraction